
Suspension of publications

ZentrLuftOp Ber NatFue III c suspends the following publications in any form:


Last publication date AIRAC Cycle 10/24 eff. 03 OCT 2024.

A permanent suspension is being sought - subject to positive feedback from the associations.

Important information about LFC/TFC

Restrictions on the use of the digital charts LFC and TFC
Due to technical problems, no current digital editions of the LFC Europe Germany and TFC /L) 2nd Series Germany can't be published for AIRAC on September 5th 2024. The editions available in the portal as of August 8th 2024 will be extended UFN.
Corresponding M-NOTAMs will be published via the FSInfoSysBw.

Restricitions on the use of the print edition LFC 34
Due to technical problems, no current digital edition of the LFC Europe Germany and TFC /L) 2nd Series Germany can't be published for AIRAC on September 5th 2024. For manual corrections using AHCAD, this is mandatory for the newly introduced representation of the "Windpower Areas".
Therefore there is no current obstacle situation.

Incorrect label on MilAIP CD

On the MilAIP CDs that some of you will receive in the next few days, stickers with the wrong date have been accidentally stuck on. We apologize for this!

MilAIP 09/24 is valid from 05 SEP 2024 to 02 OCT 2024!

NOTAM on German military aviation publications

In the appendix to this message you will find an overview of the currently valid NOTAM for German military aviation publications with No.148 as of 21 AUG 2024. Please note that the printout is not subject to the update service.


Kundenforum MilAIS 2024

03. and 04. December 2024

IFR route maps from DFS

The new IFR route map Germany - Upper airspace / Lower airspace with FIS areas (11 Jul 2024), as well as IFR route map Germany - Lower airspace with FIS areas / MVA (11 JUL2024) arrived yesterday and are now being distributed!

Delay in supply of printed US DoD - and Canadian FLIP

Due to a new legal requirement in the United States and the resulting uncertainty regarding exports on the American side, there is a significant delay in the delivery of US DoD - and Canadian FLIP in printed form.

The digital documents in the MilAIS portal or on the Electronic Knee Board (EKB) remain unaffected and can be used alternatively.

Restrictions in the areas of the MilAIS portal, EKB and procurement

Due to massive temporary staff vacancies and an increased order load, the supply of digital and printed aviation data is, for the time being, limited to the standard supply in the areas of the MilAIS portal, electronic kneeboard and the procurement of aeronautical print publications. Exceptions are possible in justified individual cases.

The search for the availability of aeronautical airport data as part of the preparation/advice of foreign flights is to be carried out by the “Bundeswehr Pre-Flight Briefing Unit for International Flights - FlBschft BMVg” after checking the MilAIS portal and, if necessary, telephone check for No.1 AIDU with ZLO IIIc, as generally intended. ZentrLuftOp can only provide budgetary support during this period.

reachability aeronautical information services

Requets for procurement, distribution, changes to your purchase, reporting of incorrect deliveries, questions about the MilAIS portal, access, content (NfL, ICAO Docs, information areas, Jeppesen) or the EKB send us an
email to:
You can reach us by phone:
Bw: 90 4260 -
Tel: 069 79307 -

3200 COS Informationsdienste
3230 Content Portal MilAIS
3432 Procurement
3432 EKB

For login problems, unavailability or reports of content errors, the FrontOffice is available around the clock under the end numbers: 3232 and 3312.
Or send us your request:

reachability aeronautical charts

For requests regarding changes to the content of TFC, LFC, military airspace training chart or questions about the creation or publication dates send us an email to:
You can reach us by phone:
Bw: 90 4223 -
Tel: 06103 3105 -

782 COS Aeronautical Charts
784 / 786 Editorial Office Aeronautical Charts

reachability aeronautical information products

Requests for changes to the content, publication of U-NOTAM or questions about the creation or publication dates send us an email to:
You can reach us by phone:
Bw: 90 4260 -
Tel: 069 79307 -

3210 COS information products
3211 MIL AIP

Production calendar 2024

Attached is the production calendar for 2024, including AIRAC dates, the publication date of each aviation publication, the associated editorial deadline, and the scheduled date for the MilAIS 2024 Customer Forum.


Discontinuation of the print edition "Aeronautical Chart Amendment Document" ACHAD DEU-PL-NL

With the print edition "Aeronautical Chart Amendment Document" (ACHAD) 328 (DEU) - 276 (PL) - 114 (NL) for AIRAC 28 DEC 2023, the product will be discontinued as a print edition.

From AIRAC JAN 25, 2024, the ACHAD will only be available as a digital edition (PDF) in the “Portal MilAIS” ( The ACHAD will continue to be freely available there for all users, even without a login, and can be printed out if necessary.

With this step we are responding to the reduced demand for print editions and the clear trend towards digitalization.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Air Operations Command - Section III c - Military Aeronautical Charts
Phone (civ.): +496103-3105-784
Phone (mil.): 90-4223-784


Effective 5 October 2023, the DoD FLIP CSA High Altitude IFR Enroute Chart Series will undergo a significant update. Part of a years-long rescale initiative designed to reduce chart congestion and improve usability over some of the chart seriesÂ’ most congested areas, six new chart panels (three printed charts front and back) will be introduced to the CSA series in addition to reorientation and rescale of others.

For electronic users, all charts will be included and available with the regular delivery on the web, AeroApp, or FLIP DVD.

For subscribers to hardcopy charts. DLA will automatically adjust all DoDAAC subscriptions to ensure consistent geographic coverage, whether this includes individual charts or the entire CSA series.


Important information about aviation publications

This is to inform you that, effective AIRAC 01 DEC 2022, no approach or departure procedures to U.S. airfields in Germany and to Italian airfields will be published in the aeronautical publications prepared by the Ber NatFü III c Center for Air Operations.

This affects the following FLIPs:

American and Italian IFR approach and departure procedures:





American VFR approach and departure procedures:




With the discontinuation comes the fact that this information is also no longer available in the digital editions of the above publications as of the aforementioned AIRAC date. Likewise, the information is no longer available in the CENOR layout via the Foreflight application via the EKB.

The rationale for this action is that the information cannot have the same timeliness as the originators' originals. However, the originals US DoD FLIP as well as MilFLIP PIV (user account needed) are available to all in a timely manner.

As alternative sources for this information, you have the possibility to access the original aviation publications of the respective originators. You can obtain this information digitally via the MilAIS portal and/or in printed form on request from ZentrLuftOp NatFü III c ( On the EKB, the original aviation publications of the originators are already available in the Foreflight application.

If you now have additional needs for printed aviation publications (in addition to your standard needs) please report these in writing to as soon as possible, but no later than 14.10.2022.

New "Low Level Notification" form

As of now, there is a new Low Level Notification form.

You can find the new formula here!

Optimization of our product portfolio: discontinuation of the LDDP

Against the background of the availability of digital aviation publications on the Electronic Kneeboard (EKB), we endeavor to optimize our product and service portfolio in coordination with the relevant authorities. An optimized product and service portfolio means that we can concentrate more on the provision of additional aviation publications on EKB and thus, for example, cover the need for digital publications as part of exercise projects.

In this context, for the AIRAC cycle 09/2021, we have discontinued the production and provision of the LDDP prepared for the WaSys EUROFIGHTER in coordination with LwTrKdo Luft Ic FlgStdsg.